Karl Baumgartner
Güterstrasse 145 / UG
CH-4053 Basel
+41 79 751 70 29
Bank details
Basler Kantonalbank, 4002 CH-Basel
IBAN CH38 0077 0250 0911 2200 3
All prices in CHF without VAT.
Graphic Design: Andreas Kreienbühl
Realization: Martin Dahlhauser
Photography: Christoph Gysin, Christian Sommer
Styling: Martina Böhler
Text: Christian Platz, Translation (English): Lavinia Besuchet
Digital consulting: Michael Krieger
The content of this website (images, texts and other files) is, unless noted otherwise, the intellectual property of Tiprego. Written permission must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements, even for non-commercial purposes.