Fidel Peugeot has interwoven both his digital and craft skills, a clever combination of two colors which makes it possible that none of the prints comes out looking like another one.
Thonet meets Peugeot
Showing all 15 results
Dewberry Warm Olive
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Dewberry Warm Olive
220 CHF
Limited edition (12 spec.)|Colors by Fidel Peugeot
Easter Egg Super Pink • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 38
Easter Egg Super Pink
610 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.
Aquamarine Mandarine
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Aquamarine Mandarine
220 CHF
Limited edition (12 spec.)|Colors by Fidel Peugeot
Rain Drum Rose Violet
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Rain Drum Rose Violet
220 CHF
Limited edition (12 spec.)|Colors by Fidel Peugeot
Dewberry Warm Olive • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Dewberry Warm Olive
700 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.
«Thonet meets Peugeot» of your choice — with a voucher you can give away
Voucher, Foulard
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Your voucher for your gift
220 CHF
Contact us by email if you want an individual voucher resp. amount.
Rain Drum Rose Violet • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Rain Drum Rose Violet
710 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.
Our speciality is your personal coloring — a unique piece with your colors and our helping hand
Foulard, Personal Coloring
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Personal Coloring
240 CHF
We print this foulard with your colors. 9 different colors are required for 2 screens.|Contact us by email if you have a question about our offer; our professional advice is for free.
Aquamarine Mandarine • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Aquamarine Mandarine
510 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.
Buttercup Micro Chip
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Buttercup Micro Chip
220 CHF
Limited edition (12 spec.)|Colors by Fidel Peugeot
Aquamarine Mandarine • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Aquamarine Mandarine
820 CHF
Unique specimen, made of three foulards.
Dewberry Warm Olive • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Dewberry Warm Olive
700 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.
The Colors of Barbara
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
The Colors of Barbara
220 CHF
Duplicate (1 specimen)|Colors by order
Easter Egg Super Pink
100 % Silk, Twill
90 x 90 cm
Easter Egg Super Pink
220 CHF
Limited edition (6 spec.)|Colors by Tiprego
Aquamarine Mandarine • Alexandra Mueller Couture
100 % Silk, Twill
Size 40
Aquamarine Mandarine
510 CHF
Unique specimen, made from two foulards.